Saturday, April 29, 2023

Crabby TW Band for WGGB Demo

I'm going to take part in a weaving demo at the Mill Manor with my weaving guild.  It was amusing (and horrifying) to discover that I probably haven't touched tablet weave in a couple decades.  O.O  I'm refreshing my memory, but it's a slog.

Continuous warp on the inkle.

I was all the way through warping the cards up on my inkle loom in a continuous warp when I realized the knot was on the wrong side of the cards!  Luckily the pattern is symmetrical and I was able to tie it in a few places (like a warp chain), flip it around and put it back on the loom.


There were a few minor fixes yet, but I think I finally have it ready to weave.  And by weave I mean lots of sample motifs until I get the one I want.

My weaving station.  8- ]