Monday, June 22, 2009

Blast from the Past

Here's Will and me demonstrating spinning at the Antelope Valley Fair in 1990. Will is seven here. He's spinning on my turkish spindle -- actually winding up the wool he's spun. He also carded for me. We're dressed in SCA garb. 8-]

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tree & Moon

This is a piece of digital art, a distortion of a photograph of a rock. ;- j I love doing this. And trees and moons are a recurring theme of mine.

I think this one would make a particularly striking tapestry. 8-]

I wonder how difficult it would be to duplicate the metalic fluid effect?

Monday, June 1, 2009

Fiber Retreat 09

Joey hard at work. ;-]

Courney and Cora and a pal.

A couple tent city pics.

I remembered to pull out my camera during my classes this time. ;- j

A happy weaver. ;-] Glad you liked the class, Dawn.

Some more tapestries at the show & tell. I thought I was having deja vu seeing "my" tapestry all over the place. ;-b

Eowyn really took to the mud dyeing. I liked her indigo over-dye. Kewl idea.

Mud dye amongst the show & tell.

Just can't get away from that paleo-theme. ;- j

Baskets and more mud dye. 8-]

Here's my brazilwood and kamala offerings. Meager things, but mine own.

Tent city and the exhausted dye station.

Astra's Bjo tapestry project in the process.

Tie dye! Looks like a fun class Ercil. ;-]

This was just too much fun. I'm pooped. Wish I'd taken more pics. But I was just too busy having fun!

Other photo sites:
Jennifer Tan:
Jennifer Kemp: , or

Spin, Ply & Dye

Eilidh showed me how to spin and ply from a single drop spindle at the Fiber Retreat this weekend. W00t! That's a kewl trick.

I bought a wool/bamboo blend from Camelion Colorworks to play with. After a spun and plied a small hank, I dropped it in the kamala pot to dye it. I'll send it along to Astra via Bruce at work for her Tapestry project.

I was really pressed for time at the end -- I dunked it in the only pot I could find on Sun. morning. ;- j Otherwise I might have overdyed it with indigo to make a more useful green.